Sunday, November 3, 2013

Big Lesson on "Best Offer" Options and Using Software to Make Listings

When using software to post your items to eBay, like GarageSale or iSale (both of which I own and use), it is very easy to copy a template. This simplifies listing items in similar categories or with similar properties. By the way, I’ve had many problems with iSale and I do not recommend it. The support is slow and does not address all of your issues when you report a problem. Save your money and either enter items manually through the eBay web UI or use GarageSale!

For example, I list quite a bit of LOFT items because those are my top sellers. You’ll notice if you check those listings that many have similar prices (like-new blouses often have the same price), categories and even listing description details (except for highlights on the different sizes, approximate measurements, etc). Since I list most items as fixed price listings (it’s cheaper and lasts for 30 days), I also select “Best Offer” so buyers are free to send me a lower price request. Sometimes I’ll sell an item for a dollar or more off since I regularly run discount (percent off) sales anyway. When I’ve had something in inventory for a month I like to move it quickly so I can get new items in unless the item is absolutely *perfect* in which case I usually decline any best offer requests.

Here’s the catch: you have to remember to check everything about your listing when you copy a template using one of these applications. I had a situation come up today (and once a few weeks back) where the person purchased from me for less than the listed price. I had no idea why when it happened in the past, but today’s item was a listing for XBOX Live Gold codes, so the customer had to interact with me to get the code he bought.

This is when I realized I was very lucky his offer wasn’t much lower, as I had copied another listing which had an automatic accept of best offers of $10 or more! Because of the price I paid for the XBOX Live Codes (bought cards in bulk online a few months back), I at least didn’t lose a ton of money, but I am short more than a dollar.

eBay does not indicate anywhere in the SOLD screen that you accepted a best offer automatically.

Keep this in mind when using software on your Mac to list on eBay:


Good luck and happy eBaying!